Claudia + Oskar
Name of the handler Claudia Geist
Name of the dog Imanuel - Oskar von Katharinas Pommernschlösschen
Sex of the dog Male
Breed Bolonka Zwetna
Country Germany
Oskar was born on 4th July 2015. We started our treibball adventure in 2019 with an online-course by Anja Jakob. Since then we took part in two live seminars by Anja and two other online-courses. In October 2019 we participated at the Treibball Freestyle tournament in Berlin in the fun class. This year in September we have taken part in another Treibball tournament, this time in Schirmitz (Bavaria). Here, we had our first ever start in class 1 and came in 4th position out of 5. Treibball is so much fun and Oskar and I enjoy challenges very much.