Helmut + Flocke Certificates
Name of the handler Helmut Semmet
Name of the dog Blossom Garden’s Flame of Love
Sex of the dog Female
Breed Border Collie
Country Germany
Flocke (Blossom Garden's Flame of Love) was born on 24.10.2011 in Berlin. She is a Border Collie bitch and since 2013 she loves to play Treibball. At that time there were neither training possibilities in Berlin and surroundings nor video instructions on the internet. So we taught ourselves after the booklet by Jan Nijboer, the inventor of Treibball. In summer 2015 we had our first Treibball tournament. Since then we are curious and like to train something new. In 2015, for example, we made a treibball game with the sheepdog whistle and put it on YouTube. For some time we prefer to do freestyle Treibball, where the elements of the treibball are mixed with lunging tasks (going around, running eights, ...).