Petra + Felis Certificates
Name of the handler Petra Křižánková
Name of the dog Felis od Vrbové studánky
Sex of the dog Female
Breed German Shepherd
Country Czech Republic
I applied with my female Felis from Vrbová studánka. Felis is a four-year-old German Shepherd and we have been training treibball since about 2018. Felis and I focus mainly on sport cynology and but also on obedience. Treibball was added a bit unplanned in her age of two years. Felis is a little nervous in nature, sometimes losing concentration and being uncertain. In treibball, she prefers working fast around balls to plain pushing. We are currently racing in the class 1, but we are training hard and in the near future we will hopefully move to the class 2. I applied here to get new experience and inspiration for training.