Silva + Lilly
Name of the handler Silvie Kučerová
Name of the dog Dwimordene Voronda Nildo
Sex of the dog Female
Breed Chodsky Dog
Country Czech Republic
Lilly is just 4 years old and she is a female of the Chodsky Dog. We are engaged in various activities together. We have successfully beaten Hard Dog Race several times, we do dog dancing and Lilly also likes tracking. We have been involved in Treibball since December 2019. This year we have participated at the treibball races in the beginner class for the first time and it was not bad at all -:) Lilly won 1st place several times and she has finished the 2020 season with the title of the Czech Champion. I applied for the TREIBBALL OPEN to have more motivation for training and improvement. I'm planning a upgrade to the class 1 in the 2021 season, so we have to work hard during the winter time :-)